
Academic Showcase 2025 Registration
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Academic Showcase 2025

Tuesday, April 15, 2025

9:00am to 4:00pm

(Schedule Pending)


Information Guide


Abstract Rules & Guidelines

Poster Instructions

Registration Forms


Welcome to Academic Showcase 2025

Welcome to Academic Showcase 2025. For our sixteenth annual Academic Showcase, the theme will be "Imagine Nation."


Questions regarding registration and submissions can be directed to Jean  Dawson, Chair of the Academic Showcase Committee:

Abstract Rules & Guidelines - Important!


Note: Students are required to select a faculty/staff sponsor who has teaching experience and/or credentials relevant to the subject area of the proposed project. The student must obtain sponsor oversight and approval of their presentation and abstract prior to submission of the registration form in order to be considered.

Registration forms must include:

  • The title of the presentation
  • The type of presentation
  • The name and contact information of the faculty sponsor (for student submissions)
  • The name and contact information for the student or faculty/staff registrant(s)
  • An abstract
  • Any and all equipment, supplies and/or media needs You will be given further details about the time and location of your presentation after the abstract submission deadline.

Titles will:

  • Be clear and concise.
  • Be accessible to a wide and varied audience.

Abstracts will:
  • State, in clear terms, the central question and purpose of the work.
  • Provide a brief discussion of any relevant methodology.
  • State conclusions and significance.
  • Include text only (no images or graphics).
  • Be reviewed, approved and submitted by faculty/staff sponsor.
  • References are allowed within abstracts, but not required.
  • The online registration/abstract submission form may not process all formatting and special characters (e.g. scientific symbols). Use plain text format for your abstract.
  • Your abstract should be between 150 and 200 words in length. Write in the third person with descriptive writing; this will be used as the description of your presentation in the Academic Showcase Schedule.
  • All abstracts must be submitted by midnight of the registration deadline (March 7, 2025).

Note: The abstract, title, and author(s) of your presentation must appear EXACTLY as they are entered in the registration form, including the identity of the primary registrant and the order of co-registrants. Please double check punctuation and spelling before submitting (The Academic Showcase Committee is not responsible for editing or correcting your submission).

Extensions will be granted only in the case of technical difficulty.  Submit extension requests in writing before the end of the submission deadline listed.


Poster Instructions

Poster designs need to be submitted by Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Please utilize the following template and printer guidelines when creating your poster.

    • Student posters must be sized at 24" w X 18" h
    • Faculty posters must be sized at 48" w X 36" h
    • Do not delete, replace, or resize the Franklin Pierce University logo
    • Images need to be 300 dpi or greater
    • For students posters, the name of the faculty sponsor must be included directly under the name(s) of the student presenter(s)
    • Posters need to be saved and submitted as a .PDF file for printing purposes.

* Individuals may not be the primary registrant for more than two events.

* Please have your faculty sponsor check your submissions beforehand.

Completed posters (saved as a pdf file) should be sent as an attachment to by April 1, 2025.

Poster Instructions for FYI Students

Students will submit their posters in Fall 2024 to their GLE101 Instructor. Each section will choose 1-2 posters for presentation at the Academic Showcase in the Spring semester on April 15, 2025. Instructors decide how to choose posters for presentation. If you have more than 2 that are worthy, please submit them.

All sections' selected posters will be submitted to the Coordinator of GLE101 Jess Landis for printing for Academic Showcase. Please be sure to have your students use the template that is provided  as we must keep our GLE101 posters in the same formatting/design standards as other Academic Showcase Posters.

Email your student's posters as a file attachment to

Please label the file with the student's full name AND your GLE section number, for example, EllaFitz05

Students who have posters selected may choose to present or not at Academic Showcase (please encourage them to present). Please be sure your students know that they will be presenting on April 15 as part of the Academic Showcase

Guidelines and tips for FYI Posters

  • Landscape layout using the poster template
  • Successful posters will include the following elements:
  • Your research question highlighted at the top with your name underneath it.
  • Explain how you, personally, pursued these four steps inquiry steps (develop a research question; find sources; gather information/data; analyze information to come up with findings) in a section titled "My Inquiry Process" (or something similar).
  • Highlight just a few findings in a section titled "Findings" or "Findings/Analysis" (or something similar).
  • Provide a list of your sources in a section titled, "Sources" or "Sources Used."
  • Provide a brief note about possible, future research on your subject in a section titled, "Future Research."
  • Make your poster visually appealing. This could include a colored background or supporting pictures. Follow templates suggestions for font style, size, and set up. Visually, a poster that is 1/3 text, 1/3 pictures or images, 1/3 empty space, will be appealing.

What is Brainbowl?

We are still accepting registrations for Brain Bowl Teams on the Academic Showcase website. Join in on the fun--this is basically a trivia contest that includes questions related to various academic areas, sports, arts, FPU history, etc. Each team is comprised of 4 students - to register you only need to provide a team name and the list of the 4 team members.

Teams can represent academic programs, sports teams, campus clubs, the FPU Honors Program, Academic Honor Societies, etc. Registration ends on tomorrow Friday 3/8 at midnight.


Student poster 18 x 24 (PPTX) template >


 Faculty poster 48 x 36 (PPTX) template >


 Print Request Form >

Academic Showcase 2025 Registration Forms


**Fill out all sections of the form
and submit with your faculty sponsor**

Student Registration Form


**Fill out all sections of the form and submit

Faculty/Staff Registration Form


  Fill out all sections of the form and submit 

Individual Registration Form


  Fill out all sections of the form and submit  

Team Registration Form

** Submissions by upper level courses or students organizations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. **

Many Thanks to the Academic Showcase 2025 Committee Members


This year's event would not have been possible without the efforts of the Academic Showcase committee members listed below.

On behalf of the entire committee, we thank you.

We hope you enjoy our offerings this year!

  • Dr. Jean Dawson, Chair
  • Michael Cole
  • Dr. Laura Ingram
  • Paul O. Jenkins
  • Lisa Landry
  • Dr. Kristen Nevious
  • Dr. Joan Swanson
  • Dr. Nancy Fey-Yensan