The Raven Brain Bowl is a part of Academic Showcase that pits teams of Franklin Pierce students in a winner-take-all contest for academic supremacy! The winners get their names engraved on the beautiful Brain Bowl trophy itself, housed in the library.
This competition, which is based on the ol"College Bowl" TV show and its successor the “Quiz Bowl,” tests academic knowledge. The format is similar to that of the trivia contests that are now popular in restaurants and night spots around the country. Teams will be given time to answer different sets of questions. In addition, a “lightning round” or two will be held, putting a premium on rapid response. To ensure fairness, the use of electronic devices or any other external information source will not be allowed.
It is possible to register as teams or as individuals. Teams should have 4-6 members. The questions will be drawn from the range of disciplines represented in the Franklin Pierce curriculum, so it may be advisable to make sure your team includes members from different divisions and/or majors. Individual students wishing to participate are also encouraged to apply, and teams will be formed (numbers permitting)
from those individual applications, with an effort made to create a diversity of expertise.
The 2022 Raven Brain Bowl will be held on April 19th from 4:15-5:30pm in Spagnuolo Hall.
Please select and submit either the Individual or Team registration form.