Campus Safety and Transportation

The Department of Campus Safety and Transportation  is responsible for the protection of both persons and property. Officers patrol the buildings and grounds around the clock and are always available to assist students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The department is also responsible for providing crime awareness education programs, issuing ID cards, and administering and enforcing parking regulations.

The department publishes and distributes crime statistics and security policies annually in compliance with the Campus Crime and Security Awareness Act of 1990. Copies of this publication are available at Campus Safety in the St. Peter’s Building, in Admissions and in Human Resources.

Contact Us:
(603) 899-4210

Mission Statement

The Franklin Pierce University Department of Campus Safety and Transportation is committed to providing an environment conducive to living, learning and working. Through crime awareness education, proactive patrol, investigations, communications and extensive security and transportation services, the Department strives to enrich and support the University's mission of education for the Individual and Community.