Campus Safety and Transportation

Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire
Department of Campus Safety


Franklin Pierce University buildings, grounds and parking areas are private property. Community members may use campus facilities for advertised public events or as members of the University's athletic complex. Students' guests must register at Campus Safety as a guest of a currently enrolled student. Persons visiting a specific department or facility should stop at Campus Safety to obtain a visitor pass. All vendors must be registered at Campus Safety with the approval of Student Activities or the host department. Unauthorized persons found on campus will be deemed trespassers and may be subject to criminal prosecution.

Administrative buildings are secured at the earliest possible hour, given their projected use each day. Exterior doors to residence halls are locked 24 hours a day, except those residence halls which also house meeting space or offices, which are unlocked during times the area is in use or the office(s) are open. Campus Safety Officers and Residence Life staff periodically patrol campus to check for propped doors, as well as other safety issues.

Some areas on campus, such as computer rooms and studios, are restricted from access without authorization. Authorization must be in writing from the person in charge of the area and must be on file at the Campus Safety Office for these areas prior to access being granted. Valid FPU identification is necessary to confirm authorization for access. Campus Safety reserves the right to give or deny access to any area in case of emergency.

University ID CARDS

Faculty, staff and students are required to carry the FPU ID card at all times while on campus. The ID is required to check materials from the library, eat in the dining commons (for students on the meal plan) and use University athletic facilities. Identification must also be presented to a Campus Safety Officer or other University official, upon his/her request in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. FPU ID cards are issued and/or validated at registration each semester and replacements can be obtained throughout the year at the Campus Safety Office (fee of $25.00 must first be paid to the Bursars Office).