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Human Resources Department
University Administrative Policies For policy related questions, please contact the HR Team |
University Administrative Policy Manual The University's Administrative policies and practices are intended to assist supervisors in the advising of their personnel. All policies and practices of the Franklin Pierce University are intended to be pro-individual. Consequently, the University expects its Division Directors, Campus Directors, Department Heads, and Supervisors to treat their staff and colleagues in a fair, consistent, and humane manner.
The Director of Human Resources is responsible to ensure that this manual is up to date and will post in this site any and all changes to this manual. All policies reviewed or changed will be indicated with revision dates.
Franklin Pierce University Policies:
Employment and General Policies: Minors Information Release Form Minors Self-Administration of Medicine Form Minors Media Release Consent Form
Employee Benefits: Employee-Process & Instructions (including forms) Supervisor-Process & Instructions (including forms) Education Benefit - Tuition Remission
Employment Practices:
Regulations: Alcohol Use on University Campuses and Events Technology Acceptable Use Policy for Employees Pay Classification and Pay Regulations Title IX and Workforce Policy on Discrimination and Harassment
Employment / Hiring:
Faculty and Staff Notifications: Room & Board for Experience Directors
Insurance Benefits: Long Term Disability Insurance Short Term Disability Insurance Social Security (FICA) Contributions
About the Policies
The policies included here apply to all Franklin Pierce University employees, unless specifically stated otherwise. Any exceptions will be clearly noted in each policy.
Franklin Pierce University reserves the sole right to amend, add or modify the policies at any time. All revisions will and updates information regarding changes to policies will be communicated to all Franklin Pierce employees via email.
Employees should refer questions regarding interpretation of the policies to their direct supervisor/manager or to a member of the Human Resources Team.
For Rindge Faculty members covered under the C.B.A., please refer to the agreements located in the current negotiated document (click here). For CGPS Faculty members, please refer to the College of Graduate and Professional Studies Faculty Protocol (click here).
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