Dependent Care Flexible
Spending Accounts
What is a Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA)?
A Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) is a pre-tax benefit account used to pay
for eligible dependent care services, such as preschool, summer day
camp, before or after school programs, and child or adult daycare. It's
a smart, simple way to save money while taking care of your loved ones
so that you can continue to work.
Your DCFSA account allows you pay for dependent care for
children under the age 13 who are living with you and
you provide more than 50% support, or for your spouse or
a relative who is physically or mentally incapable of
self-care and lives in your home |
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In 2023, you can contribute up-to $5,000 in pre-tax
dollars to your DCFSA account. This can help you save
up-to 30% on dependent care services, in addition to
reducing your tax burden. |
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If you and your spouse are both eligible to contribute
to a DCFSA through your respective employers, you
together you cannot exceed $5,000. Expenses reimbursed
under your DCFSA may not be reimbursed under your
spouse's Dependent Care FSA and vice versa. |
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All your contributions, except $500 must be used by
December 31st. Franklin Pierce elected a
“carryover provision” meaning you can carryover up-to
$500 of unused funds from your DCFSA which extends your
deadline from December 31st to March 31st
of the following plan year. It’s important to estimate
how much you spend on eligible dependent care expenses
each year before you decide how much to contribute. You
will forfeit anything in excess of $500 after December
31st and you will also forfeit any remaining
funds you carried over on March 31st. |
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You can submit documentation within minutes using the
Discovery Benefits mobile app, available on Apple and
Android devices. The app is the quickest and easiest
method for filing claims and submitting documentation
for your FSA purchases because it lets you use your
phone’s camera to take pictures of documentation and
upload them on the spot.
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You can also submit your receipts through your Discovery
website, fax or by regular mail. To submit your receipts
through the website, log in and follow the prompt.
You’ll see in the “Receipt(s) Needed menu under the Home
tab. |